(EuroSpaceHub) PODCAST Federico di Vruno about Protection of Quiet and Dark Sky from Satellite Constellations

Today, your host is Jara Pascual, founder and CEO of Collabwith. Our GUEST is Federico di Vruno. He is talking about The IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS), What is your story about becoming a spectrum manager and your interested in the protection of the …

(EuroSpaceHub) PODCAST Leonardo Barilaro about Space Music and Space Engineering

Today, your host is Rachel Deloughry, UX at Collabwith and former musicien. Our GUEST is Leonardo Barilaro, TheSpacePianist who is a pianist, composer and aerospace engineer. Leonardo graduated with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padova, researching on hypervelocity impacts and space safety. During those years he did a concert at the …