EuroSpaceHub PODCAST: From Antarctica to Mars. Exploring Lichens and Space Research with Prof. Leopoldo García Sancho
EuroSpaceHub PODCAST: From Antarctica to Mars. Exploring Lichens and Space Research with Prof. Leopoldo García Sancho
EuroSpaceHub PODCAST: From Antarctica to Mars. Exploring Lichens and Space Research with Prof. Leopoldo García Sancho
(EuroSpaceHub) PODCAST Training the next generation of Analog Astronauts: a conversation with Dr. Roxana Perrier
We are thrilled to provide you with updates from the European Lunar Symposium 2023, which is coming to an end tonight. Today, we would like to shine a spotlight on the exciting events that took place during yesterday’s sessions, when we had intense moments of presentation featuring the works of EuroSpaceHub and EuroMoonMars, with numerous …
EuroSpaceHub is happy to participate in this special event next April 21st and organized by KU Leuven. The event will also be attended by the first Belgian astronaut Dirk Frimout. The celebration will take place on April 21st at the Grote Aula of KU Leuven. The event aims to unite Art and Science to celebrate …
Read more “EuroSpaceHub at KU Leuven “Creative Space Event: Art & Science Award Ceremony””