ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab Event – Registration

ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab, is pleased to invite you to this event on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at the French Permanent Representation to the European Union, Place de Louvain 14, Brussels.

This event will focus on the importance of dual-use technologies for addressing challenges faced by the European Union in terms of competitiveness, defence and strategic autonomy.

Speakers will address several issues such as:

– The definitions of dual-use technologies and problems deriving from their unequivocalness

– The role of the new European Defence Industry Strategy (EDIS) and its first associated programme, EDIP (European Defence Industry Programme)

– The role of Research & Technology Organisations (RTOs) for strengthening the EU’s strategic autonomy in developing dual-use technologies

– Options for enhancing research and development in dual-use technologies

– The importance of test infrastructures in developing such dual-use technologies, the best way they can contribute to the EU’s Defence – Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB)

Doors will open at 09:00, the event will start at 09:30 and will be followed by a networking reception.

Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory. To confirm your attendance, please register by 04/09/2024 at the latest.

For registration and more information visit: