It is time to recap the events of this exciting month of September!
This month, our world has revolved around the Exo-SpaceHab-X module, a transportable simulator for analog missions, designed by Serena Crotti.
From September 5th to 10th, we journeyed to Padua Orto Botanico for ‘Dalla Terra all’Infinito’ – a week-long experience in collaboration with the University of Padua. It was displayed inside the Botanical Garden, hosting over 500 visitors. On the 8th of September we hosted a conference on Life in Space, joined by several Italian speakers and more then 200 people in the audience. As EuroSpaceHub Prof Foing’s hold an inspiring talk on the topic ‘Space For All.’ Serena Crotti presented the design of ‘ExoSpaceHab-X,’ which has been built thanks to support of Lunex and EuroSpaceHub.

On September 18th, we ventured to Savigliano, Italy, for a one-day event. Our habitat found its place near the Auditorium, where a workshop, organized by Spaceland took place. Spaceland is an organization specialised in 0-G flights. With the help of Lunex collaborators, we were able to transport to module to this location.

And now, we’ve made our mark at ENS Saclay, near Paris, on September 20th! On an amazing campus, designed by the famous architect, Renzo Piano, our ExoSpaceHab-X stands tall in the main patio. Join us on this journey as the habitat will stay until mid-October, welcoming visitors during the upcoming Science Week.

Other exciting events took place in Luleå, Sweden, from September 7th to 8th and in Budapest, Hungary, from September 19th to 20th. These gatherings centered around discussions on ecosystems of innovation and the presentation of EuroSpaceHub.